
Sunday, December 16, 2018

My Life In Fandom: #SuperRobotSunday Is Good Reading

Over at Twitter, one of the friends of the #PulpRev scene does a thread under the name #SuperRobotSunday. This week? Brave Raideen.

As the thread indicates, there's a lot of music and video clips used to support the snippets used in the thread. A lot of now-famous writers and producers cut their teeth on the super robot shows of the 1970s, and those early experiences informed the works for which those individuals would later become famous (or infamous). Follow up those clips, and if they don't turn you off then find and watch the series. Nevermind the animation; it is what it is. The same goes for the music. Pay attention to the story; these shows aren't the Mad Libs detractors sometimes claim, despite they're being commercial shows meant to push merchandise.

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