
Friday, November 16, 2018

My Life As A Gamer: SJW Stupidity In Tabletop Continues

In the last day, two tales of SJW bullshit in tabletop RPGs have come up. Brian Niemeier covers the White Wolf story at Kairos. The RPG Pundit's going to talk live about the attempt to gatekeep the OSR via bogus logo concern trolling.

In both cases, we're talking about advanced SJW convergence. For the former, it's the cult expelling those that slipped up and violated the Narrative by failing to keep up with the rabbit warren's plot twists and thus didn't get the memo on This Week In WrongThink. For the latter, its a cultist who got activated and now is attempted a Quixotic crusade to gatekeep the Old School Renaissance, a task slightly less futile than Sisyphus rolling that boulder uphill.

The former is resolved: Paradox Interactive dissolved and absorbed White Wolf. The latter will resolve itself; lots of posturing, but no substance to be had, means that nothing will happen other than the outing of more Fake Gamers from the scene where they never belonged anyway. Nothing of value was lost with the end of the White Wolf stupidity, and nothing will be lost when the SJW fucksticks in the OSR get their peaceful sunsets.

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