
Monday, October 29, 2018

Narrative Warfare: They Aren't Ready For The Chicago Way

This is where the madness in Western politics is going.

This is the old way. This is the Rule of Men. It's what happens when Civilization is abandoned in the pursuit of power, which is what the Left is doing now (and has been for centuries). The mob has a shot-caller, who points and shrieks at the target that the mob is meant to swarm and destroy. There is no reasoning with such a mob. There is no provision for inducing clarity of thought with well-executed, but restrained, violence; you cannot defeat them as Sun Tzu would have you do. This is not a threat you can intimidate into compliance; this is a Terminator-like threat, and it has to be dealt with accordingly.

You doubt me? Point your eyes to Brazil, where President-Elect Bolisonro took a knife before winning the race, and in South American getting knifed is mild. The living memory alone has death squads, disappearances, coups, and other full-on violence episodes- and that's before you account for the threatening of same from one or another player (including extra-national ones like the CIA).

You still doubt me? Those shootings and bombings--real and fake alike--that happen whenever the opposition is getting some headway are no accident; one doesn't even casually study the post-WW2 history of intelligence agency actions (CIA, MI6, KGB/FSB, or whomever) and not come away with a very different sense of what a coincidence is. Add in media manipulation--Project Mockingbird never ended; it just went underground--and #FakeNews is not just about bullshitting incompetents in newsrooms anymore- it's Narrative Warfare.

But they are not Masters of the Universe, as much as they want to believe they are. They think themselves Secret Kings, but when push comes to shove they show themselves incompetent and flee from responsibility for their actions. It's always someone else's fault, and so the real thing has never been tried, therefore they cannot be wrong. If this keeps up, they'll find out just how wrong they are.

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