
Thursday, December 7, 2017

Narrative Warfare: The Death-By-Bullycide of August Ames

August Ames was a porn star. She killed herself a few days ago. In his irreverent manner, Mister Metokur covers the matter.

The matter is simple to comprehend. Ames refused to work with an actor who also worked in homosexual porn scenes. The actor did not live up to the medical scrutiny that she--and men who work strictly heterosexual--are required to endure, pass, and maintain. The gay male end of the business plays by laxer rules, with known and predictable consequences in terms of disease- risks Ames did not wish to take, and rightly so.

For this stance, which she took public, she received an endless barrage of abuse until it drove her to suicide. This abuse came from virtue-signalling Progressives, firming adhering to the SJW Swarm Attack playbook until they got what they wanted. While they then went to cover their asses, they also maintained their Narrative Warfare positions justifying their gaslighting and mental abuse that resulted in their targets literal demise- an act that often had a hint of ghoulish glee to it.

I care not your opinion on pornography because that is not the issue. The issue is that someone got driven to suicide because she stood up against unsafe working conditions, conditions that posed a clear and present danger to her life, and because she asserted her right to control over such conditions those who claim to be her peers, allies, and advocates turned traitor on her and virtually stabbed her to death. Julius Caesar would pity such a woman, and he suffered such a literal backstabbing that it's still remembered to this day.

Those people who drove her to madness and death committed murder as surely as if they re-enacted Caesar's assassination. Every last one of them should be arrested, held for trial, extradited if necessary to a location guaranteed to provide a fair trial (because California is clearly not competent to do so) and made to account for their actions in a Federal court of law. Let them see the inside of something truly unpleasant--a Federal penitentiary, and not Club Fed--and rue the day that they decided to mind-rape a woman to death because of wrong-think.

1 comment:

  1. Bradford
    I was utterly shocked by this. Further she suffered from depression and those evil people took advantage of her vulnerability. I nebwr want to hrar ever how social justice really cares(tm) its adherents don't i do wonder if many women (hetereosexual men) will seriously reevaluate the industry thwy're in and choose something else.


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