
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Justice League: Scratch Redbox- Watch Something Else!

With the bad news about Justice League coming out over the weekend (taking in only $94M when it needed twice that to have a shot at breaking even, and needing to hit $1B domestic to be profitable), you know it's going to mean bad reactions from all of the trustworthy folks. Midnight's Edge had their say the other day. Today it's time for the World Class Bullshitters.

In short, their take is that this clusterfuck production resulted in a flawed film- but one where, like the Star Wars Prequels, you can see the good movie buried beneath the crap. This is a spoiler-filled review of the film, with plenty of ranty bits that give Daddy Warpig a run for his money. If you want to know why and how this film fell into the ditch and never got out, here you go.

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