
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Axanar, Alt-Hero, & Why NOW Is The Time to Strike Boldly

Below is another video about the Axanar fiasco. I'm not using this to talk about Axanar specifically; that's for another post. The point here is to bring to your attention the hows and whys leading into the unexpected success and quality of Prelude to Axanar. Compare this with the situation surrounding the Alt-Hero project, which is also an attempt to satisfy an audience that is not being served by the purported holders of that niche of popular culture.

Do you see that now is the time to strike out on your own? To launch new ventures that satisfy demands going unmet? If you do your part properly, get ready for all the success you can handle and more. The hunger for true, authentic culture is ravenous. You need not be a master, though it helps, but rather be eager to learn all of the skills necessary to succeed in your venture- something too many of the "mainstream" converged by the SocJus Death Cult refuse to do because they refuse to Git Gud and confront reality as it is.

You don't need the old institutions. You can--and should--build your own capacity to do all that work yourself, building a parallel structure that forks and replaces your competition over time. You can--and should--embrace the haters and make them do your marketing for you through their inability to stop going "REEEEE!" and antagonize the very audience you seek to serve. Learn from the successes and failures of others, and you get both in the video above, before making your plan and launching your own venture. Sure, you may end up like Jek Porkins, but Death Stars don't blow up themselves either- don't be like the Cuckservatives and not even show up to fight.

The world is yours. Go take it. The culture war is won just by showing up and not backing down.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice.
    Given the updates both at the Castila and Vox blogs as well as the commentators, alt hero is tapping not only an unserved market but one that's waking up. Like yeast in dough.
    I'm practicing to wrote stories. Yhey're not goo enough to publish but it's fun to try and try and keep improving.



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