
Friday, October 20, 2017

A RPG Setting For Alt-Hero? Really?

I'm listening to last night's Darkstream, keeping up on Alt-Hero and such, when I hear that Vox got approached to make a RPG out of it. While there are videogame RPGs about superheroes, the ones most superhero gamers talk about are tabletop games so I'll go there for now.

It's not like the tabletop world doesn't know who Vox Day is. The SJWs in tabletop gaming are tight with the SJWs in SF/F, so they got the memos early in the Gamergate lifecycle about Vox and dutifully detest and decry him lest they be cast out of the rabbit warren.

Green Ronin is based out of the Seattle SJW Warren, same as WOTC and Paizo, so it won't be them. They're too woke, so it's not going to be Mutants & Masterminds. It won't be HERO, as they're SJW-amendable (and cucky). That's the two largest tabletop superhero games right there. The third-largest is Palladium's Heroes Unlimited (Misleading: it's quite limited.) so that's our best bet, as Kevin Siembieda is something of an outcast and thus would not give a shit about the SJW narrative on Vox Day. The folks at Steve Jackson Games might go for it as a GURPS supplement, but it's unlikely due to SJG being (a) focused far too much on Munchkin and (b) far too cucky and amenable to SJWs. (Tabletop RPGs are so small a scene that all the major players fit in my house.) No one else has a superhero game of any significance, so there's the best tabletop option: Palladium Books.

It could work, if the entire system got a proper clean-up and presentation fix, because right now the rules for Heroes Unlimited are so muddled that any competent technical writer will scream bloody murder at how sloppy it is. (I can follow this up with a step-by-step walkthrough if enough of you wish.) M&M and HERO would be better choices, as would GURPS, but SJWs ruin everything so this is what's likely to come out instead.

Oh well. At least unofficial conversations can be done and posted online. If I'm wrong, and this is about a videogame, well then I am just as interested as you are about who wants to do it and how likely it will be to not suck. At least it's not a Heroclix thing.


  1. I believe he was talking about a tabletop game of some kind, because he mentioned the possibility of Castalia House publishing the game after the other people wrote it.

  2. True, but Vox already has a relationship with Autarch because of the last ACKS Kickstarter campaign. I don't know how adaptable that system might be, or if there's another potential OSR variant that might work.

    And that's discounting the idea that MAYBE someone has a system ready to go that isn't out yet. And has been looking for the right setting.

    Other options would be things like d20 system(talk edition later), Savage Worlds supplement(there will be Monster Hunter one), and Fate, all of which have the ability to be published by third parties.

    One might also try a systemless book, though I doubt that would work as well for a hero rpg.

  3. My guess? It'll be a whole new system, rather than a license for existing rules. The publisher will be somebody smaller, but with a proven track record. Wouldn't surprise me to find that Autarch is up for it. He's already worked with Vox - at least on a small scale - so he's a known quantity, and we know he has no fear of being smeared by association with the SDL.

  4. I'm not sure I'd count Hero Games out just yet - they did do the first Monster Hunter International game, after all.

    There's also the possibility of a smaller, less converged company releasing a setting book compatible with one system or another.


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