
Friday, September 22, 2017

SJWs, Diversity & Comics Read Your Book!

Yesterday, I wrote about Diversity & Comics and how the SJWs at Marvel (and elsewhere in comics) freaked out over this one YouTube channel accurately documenting the detrimental effect that Muh Social Justice has had on the business. It's gotten to Instapundit as of this post, so to say that word has gone far and wide is not an exaggeration. Also getting around is the story that Mark Waid wants to chat with D&C. Those of us that know SJWs see this for the trap it is.

One. Of. Us.

As Razorfist would say, Godspeed D&C. God-fucking-speed.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Waid, the lumpenmarxist, is apparently easily triggered based on his unhinged Twitter storm. While I doubt D&C would physically engage with the oaf, Wade appears to have as his superpower all the threatening presence of a diabetic koala.


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