
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Narrative Warfare In Action: "Muh Toxic Culture" Edition

While everyone else is all about the NFL drama, here some suck game developer whining about how gamers ain't taking his shit.

Fuck you, Chucky-boy. You're lying, and you know it.

What's really going on is that the people working as videogame (and tabletop, but this is a videogame thread) developers who can not handle the reality of the business are whining like the little bitches that they are about the fact that the gamer audience will not just sit down and mindlessly accept the excuses proffered for sub-par products--and that's what games are, products for commercial sale to end-users--using "Muh Toxic Culture" as ass-covering.

Bullshit. A Starkiller Based-sized pile of bullshit.

"But they just get mean about how we do things!" he says. Well, no shit Sherlock. You routinely fail to properly assess what you can actually do, so you sell the Moon and deliver Detroit, and then get mad when you find that the audience wanted the Moon you sold and not the ruined shell of a city you actually delivered.

You are not cut out for business if you can't handle this fundamental facet. You deliver what the market wants, not what you think they ought to have. Success in business is about dealing with reality AS IT IS, never as you want it to be. That includes all forms of game development; you make the games that gamers want, not what you want them to have.

To do that, you hire talent strictly and solely according to their merit. Everyone that cannot cooperate towards the sole lawful objective of satisfying market demand are to be discarded. Chucky-boy here can't hack that, and as such he and his ilk are banned from any project I organize henceforth (barring repentance, of course). So he's resorted to the SocJus Death Cult to cover up for his clear inadequacies- personally and professionally.

This culture of fraud--and pushing SocJus is pushing a fraud--cannot and will not be tolerated any longer. Call it is what it is: an excuse to not Git Gud, proffered by Fake Gamedevs, seeking to destroy gaming and reanimate its corpse to be a poz vector into as-yet-unaffected elements of the culture.

That's right, Chucky-boy. You are a FAKE GAMEDEV! Real gamedevs are real gamers, and real gamers Git Fucking Gud or Die Trying. You won't, because you can't. Get out before you're thrown out, you bullshit artist. You are not welcome here.

1 comment:

  1. One reason I backed Shadowrun / Dragonfall, and am looking forward to the Battletech game, is that these guys had been on previous projects, had a plan and basic engine in place, and had a history, especially after SR, of getting shit delivered.


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