
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Gaming History: Jon Peterson's "A History of D&D In 12 Treasures"

This video needs to get passed around Gamerland more. Also, Jon Peterson needs to talk more about what he did with Playing at the World. Folks ought to know how this gaming thing started, no matter if you're a tabletop titan or videogame virtuoso.

It's a shame that the man doesn't do more videos. There's only three on his YouTube channel; I wouldn't mind seeing a few more.

I won't recommend the aforementioned book to everyone. It's an academic work, thick like HERO 5th Edition, and not light reading. I'm also a historian, so I can dig this, but most gamers aren't; this is by far a better way to get this sort of information across, and man does it show just how different RPGs really are than most people today think that they are.

Side Note: Did you catch the bit about how player and character weren't separate and distinct for quite some time? We've long since gone full circle, once the fork in RPGs that lead to their videogame counterparts gets accounted for, especially in MMORPGs where Mech Piloting (as I call it) has long since been the norm (and thus easily facilitates such lack of distinction).

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