
Monday, August 28, 2017

Tip That Fedora Faster, WOTC: Making D&D "More Queer"?

Kotaku posts an article where Wizards of the Coast wants to make Dungeons & Dragons "more queer".

Motherfucker, what does that even mean? How the hell do you take a medium of entertainment derived from, and still driven under, tabletop wargame norms "more queer"?

This is the most nothing nothingburger I've seen out of virtue-signalling faggotry in gaming in years, and that includes such train wrecks as the entire Walking Simulator genre in videogames, bullshit non-games as "Breaking The Ice", whatever retarded crap comes out of the SJWs calling themselves the "Storygames" crew, and some dumb pretentious crap out of whatever the ex-White Wolf people call themselves this week.

Tabletop RPGs work just like the wargames they're a fork of: you get a scenario, you have objectives to reach, resources to work with, constraints to work around, and rewards for success (because failure usually means death). Who your man is does not matter. Certainly not where your man likes to wet his dipstick.

Since "queer" isn't even a consideration, how you do make this "more queer" without perverting it into something it is not or just inserting bullshit that doesn't matter and can be completely ignored at the table? You can't, and--try as the SJW death cultists at WOTC might--you won't. There is nothing preventing users from just excising whatever they don't want from their game at their table.

Which means that this is futile, nothing more than a waste of time and resources on empty platitudes that have no substance, add no value, and just piss the audience (and therefore the customers). I'd like to see the moron(s) behind this fired, blackballed, and sent to their rooms without supper. But Wizards of the Coast is wholly SJW-converged (as is Paizo and most of the tabletop RPG "industry") so all that will happen is a lot of sound and fury about Muh Diversity and Muh Representation and then it quietly goes away when the data comes back that it's a stinker that's sinking the brand and the game.

Die in a fire WOTC, and take Paizo and the rest of the SJWs in the Seattle-Tacoma era with you. Better that the scene be dominated by Kevin Siembieda than you incompetent death cultist morons. You are all Fake Gamers, and more and more of us see you accordingly. We don't need you, or your Fake D&D (or your other Fake RPGs); we can--and have, and do--roll our own. All hail the Old-School Renaissance.

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