
Monday, August 14, 2017

Narrative Warfare: Big Social SJWs Double-Down

The Big Social push to exercise editorial control by choosing, on political grounds alone, what users may exist or do therein will backfire. There are legal doctrines in place that those affected can resort to for remedy, and we shall see lawsuits succeed based on those doctrines presently. Discord, thanks to a rat-out by Laura Loomer, removed the Alt-Right server; this is exactly that sort of control, and it will hurt them badly in Federal court when--under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Communications Decency Act--those affect do bring the pain back to the whip-wielders. (By the way, file those suits as soon as you can; Discovery alone will compel settlement.)

If the management at those corporations were actually competent, they would be as silent as the grave on all political matters; they would not heed any political pushes from without, and ruthlessly purge political agents within. Unforced political activism is bad for business, and not just because it gives rivals and enemies an opening due to one's own unforced errors. (By contrast, when such is forced, it can and does get results; the anti-gun traitors still haven't figured out why they're losing, and it's because they forced the gun industry to be politically active to stay in business.)

The reason I don't take this Big Social threat more seriously is because the Alt-Tech Alliance is already at work forking and replacing every one of these SJW-converged corporations with properly-run alternatives. I'm already at Gab and Minds, and as soon as a non-SJW replacement for YouTube comes along I'll set up there. (Yes, I have a Vidme account; it's as active as my YT account.) I use Brave for my browser, and I'm looking at email replacements. (Once done, the current ones will be depreciated to spam-filters and non-serious use.)

So the big threat of Big Social? Not that much of a threat. But what is a real threat? Legal entanglements. Which reminds me: I live in a state where "criminal defamation" is a thing, so do mind the language and do your homework, lest you fly into my state and right into the arms of the State Patrol with an outstanding arrest warrant for you.


  1. Protonmail and ProtonVPN. There are free and for-fee versions of both. The free versions are adequate for basic communications and they are encrypted end-to-end.

  2. If the Justice System actually worked, it would be interesting to file complaints against most any content on Google+, YouTube, and other providers now that they have de facto said they are responsible for all of it.

    DMCA, take down demands, infringements could be filed willy-nilly. Lot of paper to answer!


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