
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Convergence is Crookdom

Once thing I notice that the Fake Geeks, whatever part they infest, have in common is the presumption that because they control the traditional medium that they will always do so and therefore they win.

These Fake Geeks don't comprehend that The Internet Changed EVERYTHING. They're the Fake Geeks in SF/F that don't see how or why Castalia House is eating their lunch, or that Amazon already shattered the relevance of Traditional Publishing's entire business model (including the dying retail world). The Fake Geeks in tabletop gaming also cling to traditional retail being a relevant thing, despite online sales (and online play) already becoming more important. The Fake Geeks in videogames are still fixated on AAA and see indie only as the farm league.

They're short-sighted, lack vision, and betray their fakeness by being obsessed with status and signalling thereof over substance and competency. Of the latter, though at times difficult, the reliable tell is this: fundamental misunderstanding of the medium that they seek to dominate. They're wanting to be Grand Admiral Thrawn, and fail to be Lieutenant Fuckup.

They don't see that we don't need traditional retail. They don't see that we don't need traditional media coverage, or coverage from media converged by their fellow Fakes. They don't see that we don't need them at all. They are utterly, totally, completely disposable, expendable, and fungible- they can be replaced, so they are and they have.

They can't see it because they build nothing, understand nothing, and therefore can only use low cunning to co-opt and control all Mean Girl style- and even that falls before the exploitation of their glass jaws. (It's the soy, and the lack of lifting.) Build tall, build think, and you build strong enough to keep them out of the Alt-Geek stuff we're going to make to cut them out and route around them (correctly interpreting them as damage to get around)- especially if the response to entryism is a broken nose and a shattered ego. Fakes are crooks, and crooks get the rope.

1 comment:

  1. Normies don't understand what a subculture is. And that's all these guys are, just the new flavour of puritanical normie.


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