
Friday, May 6, 2016

My Life as a Gamer: Overwatch Open Beta

Based Tracer
This picture of Tracer is by Taiwanese artist MonoriRogue

Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment's new game, is now in Open Beta and will be until it goes live at the end of the month. The company was wise to accept Tracer as the game's mascot, and the fake controversy over a now-removed pose that prominently presented Tracer's fantastic ass trolled the SJWs good and hard when the replacement turned out to be a flat-out tracing (HAH!) of a classic pin-up pose.

I'm not playing yet--this six-year old laptop ain't taking it well--but I'm enjoying the game as a spectator for now, and that spells good fortune down the road if the pro scene picks up for this game as we see high-profile professional play. I'll catch up when I have a rig that can do it justice.

So, enjoy the hell out of this game, and throw MonoriRogue a few silver pieces if you can. (Put that thing on a shirt, and watch that money roll in.)

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